Thanks for visiting Inner Calm.
Here you can find out about my holistic services for treatments at our Queensbury treatment rooms. If you are unsure of any treatments, you can book a free consultation with me to cover any questions you may have.
To make a booking please callor message me on 07354 877121 or use the contact form below.
I really hope to connect with you soon to help you along on this wonderful journey we call “Life”
My Treatments
About Inner Calm
Hi, I’m Michelle and I am passionate about how alternative therapies can transform your life.
I come from a corporate education background, spending 28 years in the same employ as a Director of Finance & Operations. Due to a struggle with my mental health, I found tremendous help and
transformation with the treatments I now offer.
I have been training in various modalities over the last 5 years and thoroughly enjoy the difference these therapies make to people.
I hope that my therapies, alongside an understanding of what you are going through, will contribute to you having the get up and go to thoroughly enjoy every day.
I am so excited to hear from you !

Rooms at Anne Marie Hair Salon
16 Sandbeds, Queensbury, BD13 1AB